Andrew White

Andrew White Bio

Andrew’s our resident gardening enthusiast! His passion for the great outdoors and growing was nurtured from a young age, with his own childhood experience enjoying more than a little similarity with Tom and Barbara’s ‘Good Life’. His own Rhino Premium greenhouse provides all the space he needs for planting, potting up and overwintering his plants during the harsh UK winters. Andrew regularly shares his latest enthusiasms with the Rhino community, including a recent post covering what you can do with your autumn vegetable glut.


Recent posts

The Autumn Vegetable Glut: Preservation, Recipes, and Gifting Ideas
| Grow Your Own, The Gardening Year

The Autumn Vegetable Glut: Preservation, Recipes, and Gifting Ideas

Our Essential Guide: How To Grow chilies In A Greenhouse
| Guides

Our Essential Guide: How To Grow chilies In A Greenhouse

Our Essential Guide: How to Grow Potatoes
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Our Essential Guide: How to Grow Potatoes

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